I have often wondered about the statement being self-made. Is there such a thing as being self-made? Is there anyone that is self-made?
I understand when you have to struggle in life to get to a place of affluence or become successful but does it mean you got to that place without help from anyone?
If for anything was God involved? Were you ever ill and someone bought you some medication?
Even if you were homeless, were you alone on the street or wherever you stayed at night.
Did anyone ever help you with food or offer you the assistance of any kind.
If you weren’t homeless but had a roof above your head and lived with your family but life was just so difficult and finally you made it in life.
Did your family play any role? Did they ever pray for you, look after you when you fell ill?
Did anyone contribute the very little they had just to get you to where you are now?
Despite all these, you still say you are self-made Not one helped you get to where you are. You got there by yourself, God didn’t even help. When you write your life story no one’s name will be mentioned because you did it alone.
You may not have had rich parents or a rich relative to assist you with huge capital to start a business or even see you through school.
But you went to school anyway and there wasn’t a time you cried because all hope seemed lost and those around you never rallied around you and showed you support and love and yet you are self-made.
There was another time God made a way where there seemed to be no way and you are still going around saying I’m self-made, no one was involved. I got to this point all by myself. Every success you see around me is all me and no one else.
Well hello, Mr. and Mrs. Self Made…
©Treasure Ezuruike